I always wondered what was wrong with people who couldn't help themselves buying everything in sight even when they knew they couldn't afford it, or it was a waste of money. I'm starting to get a glimpse into that world because I've been having ridiculous tendencies going to Red Flag Deals, a website for bargain hunters and sharing good deals in Canada. Refresh, refresh, refresh... Ooh there's something I want!
I haven't actually bought much, but I have been wanting to get stuff I've seen like discounted clothing from A&F (Hoodies & Tees), cheap gaming headsets (Sennheiser PC131), Bluetooth earpiece (Jawbone Silver Noise Shield), Video Games (Orange Box for PC).
There's been some good freebies I've found on the site as well like free Wii jackets.
Apple's new release of Leopard has me all excited. I've never been a fan of OS upgrades but the new features are blowing my mind, most notably Stacks, Spaces, and Quick Look. Now I'm actually hoping my computer dies so I have an excuse to get a new Mac with Leopard. :D
Something caught my eye on the Apple site too, the Samung SCX-4500 printer. Damnnnnnn it looks so nice.
Gotta keep resisting the urge to buy stuff
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