Thursday, November 17, 2011

Beatboxer Dave Crowe

I found this article today on GOOD with a video to a beatboxer who's identity I've found out as Dave Crowe. You should definitely look up his performances on YouTube! I recognized him from my recent trip to Europe back in August performing on the streets of Prague.

I was able to find this short clip that my sister recorded while we were there.

It truly is a joy to see him perform live. I ran into his performance while walking around in the morning of the old town of Prague and seeing his performance made my day. I was happy for the rest of the day as what he does truly is amazing. His act is so raw and engaging that you can see how people would stop to watch for 20 minutes just because he creates that connection with people of live performance. There's no barriers between and he was polite enough to make sure people weren't blocking the sidewalks.

I hope everyone gets a chance to see him live and make your day. =D

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